Origin of Millefiori

Our Art Glass

Our Millefiori Murano Glass is completely handmade in Murano, Italy.
The Millefiori Murano Glass we offer to you are Premium Grade (Top Level) quality in Murano. All millefiori glass include the certificate of authenticity, assuring you that each item you purchase is genuine.
Our certificate is an authenticity to guarantee that this Millefiori Murano Glass is purchased from our shop.


Pattern and Color Combinations

Every Millefiori Murano Glass product is made from a few to over a few dozen small Millefiori Murano Glass Beads of different colors and patterns, they are then heated up to form a mixture, all handmade by artisans.
Since no machinery is involved in the glasswork, every Millefiori Murano Glass product has a unique combination of colors.

The Perfect Millefiori Pattern

Among the handmade Millefiori Murano Glass products, only about 15% to 30% gives a perfect color balance.

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